- Midcentury Celebration Day
- MPHA webmaster congratulations
- MPHA new president Sandra Pachaud
- Edward Whiting Hopkins Family
- Pam D. Jones' Life
- A Tribute To Jym Clendinen
- Third Annual BBQ
- Arbor Road Tour
- Interested in knowing your past? San Mateo County Genealogical Society
- Avy Avenue Named after California Pioneer, Eugene Avy
- National Registry of Historic Places (Train Depot, Nativity Church, Gatehouse)
- MPHA Trivia
- MPHA dinner at the BBC
- A New Adventure for Ralph and Rosie Yob
- Roger Reynold's Nursery - When Menlo Park once had a nursery
- Mary Ergas - Volunteer Extraordinaire
- A tribute to Sunset Magazine
- Farewell to Flegel's
- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- Merrill House Tour
- Sunset Magazine
- The Death of Jane Stanford
- Turn-of-Century History Houses Four-Corner Block
- Owners of Historic 1900-era Houses: John MacBain, Patrick Henry McEnvoy, Archie Feeley, Margaret McLoughlin
- Walking Tour Guide
- History of Menlo Park Women
- Jane Stanford
- Susan Gale
- Jean Bone
- Gertrude Atherton
- Josephine Duveneck
- Kate Johnson
- Mary Lynch O’Keefe
- Peg Gunn
- Onetta Harris
- St. Patrick's Tour
- A league of Gentlemen - Elmo Fremont Hayden, Francis Jean "Drake" Draeger, Arthur Edmund Flagel, and John James “Jim” Cunningham
- Growing up In the Willows by Sandra Pachaud
- Speaking Event with Writer and Journalist Robin Chapman
- Bicycle Adventures by Brian Ferrin
- President's Message
- MPHA August 1994 Bio of Eugene Frank Helfrich
- Memories of Menlo Park by Lydia Dioli Cooper
- What the Dormouse Said
- Presidential Visits
- How Ken Kesey and Kepler’sCreated Silicon Valley
- Menlo Park's Will and Grace - William Yale, Grace Yale
"What the Dormouse Said" - How Kepler’s and Ken KeseyCreated Silicon Valley
Where the Presidents Roam - Presidential Arrivals by Menlo Park Train Depot
Menlo Park's Will & Grace - Will and Grace Yale by Bo Crane
Summer Picnic Recap
Tour of a 1924 home in Ringwood
The Jewel of Oak Grove
Joseph Zirker - Artist Biography by Sandra Pachaud
New Board Member - Matthew Horwitz
Bob Melvin - baseball
St. Patrick's Seminary and University - Bo Crane
Isaiah Churchill Woods and Ravenswood - Jonathan Tiemann
MPHA Victorian Days Walk
-Moving Menlo's Oldest Building
-Non-stationary Station
-Tracking the Church, From Willows to Redwoods, Moving a Road
MPHA 50th Annual Meeting
New to Menlo Park? You Might not know that...
2021 Year in Review
What is the oldest thing in Menlo Park?
Holy Cross Video Walking Tour
President's Message by Tim Johnston
*Sandy Pachaud, MPHA Board Member
*Bridges of the San Francisquito, Part II by Bo Crane
President's Message by Tim Johnston
*A Fond Farwell by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Menlo French Laundry by Martha Lancestremere
*Hidden Treasures by Sandy Pachaud
Not Your Father's Menlo Park
Outgoing President's Message by Jim Lewis
*Tim Johnston, MPHA President, 2021
*'Portals of Early Days' at Menlo Park laid low; Landmark of 1854 falls - from Palo Alto Times July 7, 1922
*The Return of Martin Kuck
*Fernando's Store and the Internet
*Two Women Who Helped Create Menlo Park
President's Message by Tim Johnston
*R.I.P. Kathy Restaino, MPHA Archivist
Outdoor Dining, Santa Cruz Avenue
*Bridges of the San Francisquito, Part I by Bo Crane
History in the Time of Corona
President's Message by Jim Lewis
MPHA annual election to Board of Directors
*The little cottage down the old dirt road by John Kiefer
Walking Tour Menlo Park Historical Churches
Where have you gone, Joe Donohoe?
*Fleetwood M-Ac
President's Message by Jim Lewis
*Hanna Boys Center by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*The Menlo Quilt by Lydia Dioli Cooper and Bo Crane
*Folded Quilt on display, MPHA office hall
*Hayden Photos and Office Treasures by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Menlo Park Plaque 35a by Jym Clendenin
*"Go Your Own Way" by Bo Crane
2019 Annual Meeting Speaker: Harold Schapelhouman
President's Message by Jim Lewis
*Mrs. McLean Takes a Ride by Jesse Arnold
*Friday April 13,1934 Headings
*Elmo Fremont Haden by Bo Crane
*Budelli by Bo Crane
*The People Before Menlo
President's Message by Jim Lewis
*Red by Wilton "Red" Johnson with Bo Crane
*The Ohlone by Bo Crane
*Jerry Garcia and Menlo Park (con't from XLV.3)
*Jerry Garcia and Menlo Park
President's Message by Jim Lewis
Menlo Gates Dedication March 17, 2019
*"Did you see any Leprechauns?" by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Moses by Matt Kavanaugh and Bo Crane
*The Case of the Mysterious Sword by Steve Walter and Lydia Dioli Cooper
MPHA Dinner
*Menlo Park's Week-Long Governor
*Story of Menlo Gates by Bo Crane
*Case of the Forgotten Bible by Jesse Arnold
*Another Winchester Mystery?
Annual Meeting 2018
Looking Back and Looking Forward by Jim Lewis
*Armistice Day Celebration [I] by Bo Crane
*Armistice Day Celebration [II] by Bo Crane
*Armistice Day 1938 by Bo Crane
President's Message by Jim Lewis
Fremont Park Armistice Day Celebration, Sunday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m.
*Victorian Days Walking Tour Recap 2018 by Bo Crane
*Then and Now -- Menlo, Ireland by Lydia Cooper
*MPHA Board Member Biographies, Greg Mellberg and Pam Jones
*In Memoriam - Dick Angus
Summer Events by Lydia Cooper
MPHA Celebrates Camp Fremont's Centennial 1918 - 2018
President's Message by Jym Lewis
Victorian Days Walking Tour August 4, 2018
*The Round Table by Bo Crane
*World War I and Camp Fremont 1918 by Bo Crane
MPHA Annual May Tours Recap
*Comments on The Black Squirrels article April-June Issue of the Gate Post
Annual Dinner by Lydia Dioli Cooper
President's Message by Jym Lewis
*Bright Eagle by Bo Crane
*Menlo Memories: The Black Squirrels by Dick Barbour
A Wonderful Celebration
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 7 by Jym Clendenin
*Annual Meeting Speakers by Bo Crane
President's Message by Jim Lewis
The Streets of Menlo Park
*Leland Stanford, California Vintner by Julie Cain
*Earl Seymour Douglass Jr.
Happy Birthday Menlo Park by Bo Crane
President's Remarks by Jim Lewis
*Meet Your New Board Member Michael Demeter
A Fond Farewell (Anne DeCarli)
A New Adventure (Ester Bugna)
*Officer William C. Mills by Bo Crane
*Cuckoo's Nest by Bo Crane
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 2 by Jym Clendenin
*Menlo Gates Map by Jym Clendenin
Fun Facts About Menlo Park
Walking Tour - August 5, 2017
President's Remarks by Jim Lewis
*Loss of a Friend by Lydia Cooper
*Menlo Memories by Dick Barbour
*John C. Fremont: The Good, the Bad, and Ugly by Bo Crane
Trader Joe's Menlo Park Mural Mystery Couple?
*Another Piece of Old Menlo Gone by Lydia Cooper
*Note from Diane Lovegove Bader, edited by Bo Crane
Annual Dinner - Another Memorable Event
President's Remarks by Jim Lewis
Happy 103rd to Lou Matas by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*The Merrills, Part II by Bo Crane
*The Oasis by Bo Crane
Menlo Gates Project
*The Great Estates of the Peninsula and Their Fate by Bernadette Callahan
President's Message by Jim Clendenin
*Board Member - Carol Schumacher
*Coffee with Lydia and Dennis by Bo Crane
*The Merrills, Part I by Bo Crane
*Menlo Gates by Bo Crane
Annual Meeting Nov 20 announcement
President's Message by Jim Clendenin
A Gift from Mrs. J.A. Bachman
*Frank Sasagawa - Memories of a Different Time by Bo Crane
Tranforan and Topaz Detention Centers
Continuing with Outreach
*Menlo v. Menlough by Bo Crane
Menlo Park Creates a Sister City Committee
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 63 by Jym Clendenin
A Grand Day for the Irish and Menlo Park
President's Message by Jym Clendenin
*Bo Crane, Co-Editor of The Gate Post
*Cab Burley and the Menlo Park Recorder by Peter Burley
*Menlo Park Fire Protection District Celebrates 100th Anniversary by Bernadette Callahan
*Lou Matas: Long Time Member of the Menlo Park Historical Association by Bo Crane
Celebrating the Year of the Monkey
Holy Cross Cemetery Tour
President's Message by Jim Clendenin
Thank you to those renewing their 2016 membership
*Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin, Crane Street by Bo Crane
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 53 by Jym Clendenin
*Searsville Lake Park by Julie Cain
Annual Meeting & Guest Speaker, Bo Crane by Bernadette Callahan
Letter from the Editor by Lydia Cooper
President's Message
*A Great Group of Students!*Dennis Martin, Menlo Park Pioneer: Part IV - Descendants of Dennis Martin by Bo Crane
*Menlo Park Bids a Fond Farewell to Foster Freeze
*Compliment!!! [Italian-American Social Club celebrates 85 years in Menlo Park]
*Menlo Park Fire Protection District Centennial by Harold Schapelhouman, Fire Chief
Letter from the Editor by Lucy Spaziano
*Memories of Mills Street When Growing Up by Martha Lancestremere
*Menlo Memories by Dick Barbour
Books Books Books
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 6 by Jym Clendenin
Letter from the Editor by Lucy Spaziano
*The Life and Times of Dennis Martin, a book by Bo Crane
Successful Tours Through Holy Cross Cemetery
*The Still Mysterious Death of Jane Stanford by Julie Cain
*Traces of the Early Dead
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 40 by Jym Clendenin
*The British Bankers Club: A quick update on the BBC Building at 1090 El Camino Real
Holy Cross Cemetery Tour
Letter from the Editor by Lucy Spaziano
Thank you new and renewing members
*Dennis Martin, Menlo Park Pioneer: Part III - Ruin and Removal by Bo Crane
The Annual Dinner
Our Collection of World War I Posters
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 52a by Jym Clendenin
Letter from the Editor by Lucy Spaziano
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 50 by Jym Clendenin
*Dennis Martin, Menlo Park Pioneer: Part II - Two Sawmills and Two Ranches by Bo Crane
*A Walk through Holy Cross by Barbara Wood/Almanac
President's Message
*Old Tradition Kept Alive by Brian Goode
*Part I - Ireland to West Menlo by Bo Crane
*Menlo Memories 1948 by Phil Morris
*Menlo Park Plaque 16 The "Moles" by Jym Clendenin
President's Message
*Which Way to Galway?
*Tom Kearney's Proudest Moment by Phil Morris
*Irish Visitors Come to Menlo Park
Annual Meeting & Speaker End Year on a High Note for MPHA
Presidents Message
*Menlo Memories (Tom Kearney)
*How Many Wagons Were There? by Tim Goode
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 14 (recognizing Donald E. Johnson's 35 years of service) by Jym Clendenin
*Why MPHA Chose the Menlo Gates As Its Logo by Jeanne Bone
Caltrain and the Peninsula Commute Service
Message from the Board
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 13 (honoring Fire Chief Thomas F. Cuff) by Jym Clendenin
*Frank Long: Menlo Park's First Chinese American Auto Mechanic by Jesse Arnold
*Two Menlos (to develop a friendship relation between Menlo Park and Galway City, Ireland)
An Evening Dedicated to Jeanne Bone
President's Message
Highlights of the Board Meeting in March
*A Pioneer Menlo Park Family by Lydia Dioli Cooper
Annual Dinner in Honor of Jean Bone
President's Message
*Menlo Park Host Lions Club History by Gail Gavello
*The IRELAND IN MENLO PARK Visit by Gil Workman
*Menlo Park Plaque No. 15 by Jym Clendenin
*Diane Lovegrove Bader, Menlo Park Memories, A Memoir from the 1940s
Archival News
*Menlo Plaque #17 - Raoul! Where are you? by Jym Clendenin
President's Message
Be Sure to Mark Those Calendars
*The Long Story Behind a Short Street by Jesse Arnold
*John Arnold on Wonderful Memories of Growing Up in Menlo Park (Jul-Sep 2012 issue)
*Did you know that Viola Odovata is the official flower of Menlo Park?
Thing to do
Recognition Well Deserved
President's Message
*Menlo Park Plaque #48 - Clock Tower
June Events Bring Members and Friends Together
*Wonderful Memories of Growing Up in Menlo Park by Marion Gilbert Compston
*Book Takes Caltrain Riders Back in Time by Jim Clifford
*Jym Clendenin on previous article "Why There is a Jog in Avy Avenue"
*Guido Budelli on how the Camp Fremont plaque originally was on what is now Live Oak Ave
Memorial Day
*A Tribute by George Carr
We Shall Keep the Faith by Moina Michael (November, 1918)
*Haunted House in Menlo Park?
President's Message
There Is a Heaven for Volunteers
Discoveries Hidden in the Inner Sanctum of MPHA
*Growing Up in Menlo Park in the 1970s &1980s by Patty Albrecht Amodeo
*A Tribute to a Lovely Lady: Eloise Lancestremere by Tim Goode
*Menlo Park Plaque #47 - Water Tank by Jym Clendenin
The Year of the Dragon
President's Message
Odds and Ends
*Meet Your Board Member - Tom Carter
*The Wild and Wooly Days of Menlo by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Menlo Park Plaque #46 - Jack W. Lyle Park by Jym Clendenin
*Angelo's Ranch
*John Murray, the Stanford Dairy, and Why There is a Jog in Avy Avenue by Jesse Arnold
Let Us Not Forget Veterans Day
President's Message
*MPHA Plaque #22 - "Station Hill" (a sculpture) by Jym Clendenin
*"Flying Was Extremely Difficult and Dangerous and More So, It Was Very Unusual" [Jean Harman] by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Camp Fremont Park by Lydia Dioli Cooper
Odds and Ends
*Forty Years Young and Still Going [MPHA]
President's Message
*Meet Your Board - James E. (Jym) Clendenin
*Special Boy's Day [Lions Club]
*Guild Theatre by Linda Hubbard Gulker
Another Time
President's Message
Happy Diners at the Chinese Dinner
Last Reminder
*MPHA Plaque #26 - Honoring Oliver and McGlynn by Jym Clendenin
A Time to Explore Local History
*Meet Your Board - Gil Workman
The Year of the Rabbit Is Upon UsKeep in Mind
President's Message
That Time of the Year Again
*A Year in Menlo Park (1946-47) by Marilyn Scott
The Woodside Store
*Menlo Park Plaques - (#45 Pedestrian Bridge) by James Clendenin
This Year in History
"Camp Fremont Days" excerpt from Centennial Memories, the Story of Las Lomitas, 1904-2004
Upcoming Events
[note: this issue misprinted as Vol. XXXV]
Halloween Is Coming!!!
Arthur Lloyd To Be Guest Speaker At the Annual Meeting, November 21, 2010
*The Italian-American Social Club of Menlo Park: An Interview with Adrian Dioli by Jim Clendenin
*Menlo Park Memories
And Finally...
*A Man of Vision, Charles P. Burgess (Part II) by Lyman Wear
*Could This Be the Original Model for the Menlo Gates?
President's Corner
*Jim Lewis
Hearst Art Gallery of St. Mary's College
*Rachel Bentley: Menlo Park Artist by Tim Goode
Scenes from the Ice Cream Social
If You Remember
*A Man of Vision, Charles P. Burgess (Part I) by Lyman Wear
President's Corner
A Cordial Invitation from Little House
*Meet Your Board Members: Ester Bugna
*A Look Back by Sue Wagstaff
Solve the Mystery, Win a Prize
*Early Days in Historic Menlo Park (Part II) by Jean Bone
Annual Chinese Dinner
Keep in Mind
President's Corner
The Chief and the Annual Meeting by Tim Goode
If You Remember
History Museum
Loss of Our Long-Time Friends: Louise Barbour, Rita Walker, Charles Vernon Parker
Echos of the Past
Note: There is no Vol. XXXVI, No. 2
*Menlo Park Academy of Dance
President's Corner
*Menlo Park Goes to the Movies
*Meet Your Board Members: Bill Wesloh
*Anne DeCarli, Archivist
*Our New Archivist: Jennifer McCann
Scenes from the June Menlo Park Block Party
President's Corner
*Meet Your Board Members: Harry Harrison
*Memories of Menlo Park During the 40s and 50s by Francis Nooney Albrecht
If You Remember...
*Menlo Textiles
*A Piece of History: The Ice Cream Social by Tim Goode
National Register of Historical Places by Jim Lewis
Centenarian Celebration by Tim Goode
Mark Your Calendars
President's Corner
*Meet Your Board Members: Larry Johnston
*Eloise Lancestremere, Now 100 Years Young
*Menlo Park Plaque #26, Menlo Park Gates
*C'era Una Volta [Once Upon a Time]: 'The Italian Gardeners' by Ester Bugna
*German Visitors [Kuck's Menlo Park Hotel]
In Memoriam: Edna Morey; Carlos Lopez
Recent Acquisitions
Chinese New Year Dinner
President's Corner
*In Loving Memory Jeanne Ward Bone 1919-2009
*California Mission Bells by Tim Goode
*Meet Your Board Members: Patty Doherty Hjelm
*Menlo Park Firemen by Tim Goode
Annual Meeting 2008
John Kolstad, Guest Speaker
Mervyn T. Brenner Foundation Gift
Loss of a Friend: Carolyn Rudell Samuels, former Board Member
*Writings from the past: The Hoboes by Dick Barbour
President's Corner
Local Boy [Chris Goode] Writes Local Book
A Great Day for Young and Old, The Ice Cream Social
*Holy Cross Cemetery by Lydia Dioli Cooper
Editor's remarks on Dick Barbour
Downtown Block Party by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Meet Your Board: Dick Angus by Lydia Dioli Cooper
Old Tradition Returns
Chinese New Year's Dinner
*Ken S. Chuck lived in Menlo Park 82 years
*In Memory of....Mike Bedwell and Tom Lantos by Jim Lewis
*Marguerette Shepard Paponis
*Welcome Aboard, Jim
*The Walk with Gini [kiosks on SCA] by Tim Goode
*A Piece of History Discovered [Palm Hotel] by Tim Goode
From the Files of Margurette
Chinese New Year's Dinner Return to Ten Fu
The Year of the Rat
Annual Meeting
Treasures of the Downtown
Annual Meeting
Joan Levy, Guest Speaker
*Memorial to a Friend, Rita Gado
Historic Menlo Park by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*The Latham-Hopkins Gatehouse
Ice Cream Social in Burgess Park
Membership Diversity
*Ethnic Diversity on Live Oak Avenue by Loren Chan Singh
*An Interview with George R. Angus [from "Remembering Menlo Park" by Sarah Bush of MPHA (1975)]
MPHA Membership Diversity by Frank Helfrich
Ice Cream Social set for July 4th
Scrapbook Memories
*Error leads to wonderful correction
Tradition Restored: Chinese Dinner Returns
Ice Cream Social Moves to 4th of July
*Memories of Santa Cruz Avenue by Lydia Dioli Cooper
*Tribute to the Cement Artichoke
Menlo Park Historical at the Ball Park
Youth is Serving
*Early Natives of the Peninsula [Pre-History]
Roving Reporter
Chinese Dinner Returns
*History of the Chinese Dinner
The Year of the Pig
Stories of Menlo Park
*Egidio Bongio, Home Builder by Lydia Dioli Cooper
Annual Meeting
Immigrants Gallery
Irish Call for Help
Menlo Park History Symposium
*Plaque Celebrates 150 Years of History
Opening of Immigrant Gallery Exibits
Veteran's Day
Ice Cream Social Bumped by Plaque
*Plaque and Ice Cream
*Dennis Martin Remembered
Ariel Winawer, Scholarship Winner
The New Book Has Arrived.....Paperbound
Membership and Needs of MPHA 2006
Annual Meeting 2005
*When Menlo Park Really Was a Park
Save the Past for the Future
*Menlo Park's Return to Primitive Ways
Menlo Park Historical Association 2005 Membership Roster
Note: This issue was printed as Vol. XXXI by mistake. It should have been Vol. XXX. Since Vol. XXXII is for the calendar year 2006, The Gate Post has in effect skipped Vol. XXXI.
Annual Meeting
An Unusual Year
Proposed Bylaw Change and Elections
Spencer Strub, Scholarship Honoree
Annual Ice Cream Social Revisited
*De Young Museum and Menlo Park [Sherwood Hall]
Veterans' Day
Membership Issues and Kepler's
What Happened?
Ice Cream Social
*Los Lomitas Centennial
*Lorettta Marie Helfrich Fowler tells of early Los Lomitas
*Standing Room Only [Carlos Lopez]
*When in Galway....
Gung Hay Fat Chow
The Grand Meeting
Welcome to New Members
New Acquisitions 2004
New Book
Columbus Day Not Forgotten
*A Grand Story [Carlos Lopez]
*Veteran's Day and Our Elections [Tim Goode] by Tim Goode
Cry for Help
Second Scholarship Award
The Importance of an Active Historical Association by Fabiola Cacho Lopez
Acquisition of a Treasure
*Flegel's 50 Year Anniversary
Ice Cream Social
The Bus
*Welcome to New Archivist [Lydia Dioli Cooper]
Ice Cream Social - Gateway to Summer
*85 Years with Roger Reynolds Nursery by Tim Goode
*Wallenberg Lives! by Tim Goode with information provided by Frank Helfrich
*USGS, 50 Years in Menlo Park
Recent Acquisitions
Passing of a Friend
'The Book' Revisited
The Loss of Our President
Gifts to San Mateo Co. History
History Buff's Update
Kavanaugh Family Honored
New Acquisition for MPHA
About St. Patrick's Day
*Menlo Park Stands Alone
MPHA Memorials
Chinese New Year Dinner Returns
Annual Meeting - A Look Back
Election of Officers
The Value of Time
*Local Pioneer - Nancy Morrow
Guest Speaker Maggie Kimball Honored - by Tim Goode
Phar Lap Revisited
Immigrants Gallery
Election of MPHA Board
Annual Meeting
Veteran's Day and the MPHA
Christmas and "The Book"
2003 Membership Roster
Gordon Barker Remembered
Esther Bearce Johnson
*Amedeo/Amadeo, A Correction by Frank Helfrich
*Hidden Treasure [Martha Lancestremere]
Volunteers - Friends Book Fair
*Pioneer Family [Menlo Park French Laundry]
The History Detectives
*Kelly Park
A Glorious Fourth
Birth of a Scholarship
First MPHA Scholarship Winner
A Step in the Right Direction by Linn Haddock
*A Man of the Soil - Amedeo Gado
*Grade Separation Developments
Ice Cream Social
Sale of the Oak Grove Hotel
Ice Cream Social - Gateway to the Summer
*Railroad Grade Separations
'Way Bill' Discovery
*Underground Treasures [Kathy Restraino]
Membership News
President's Message by Roger Seccombe
*News of Menlo Park - from the Redwood City Times Gazette (August 16, 1924)
Membership News
Happenings in the Association
San Mateo County Historical Association Exhibits
In Memoriam
Membership News
*Menlo Park and Atherton Clash
*Dick Alvarez Honored [Water tower plaque]
*Dr. A.E. Blake, Early Menlo Park Native [See MP Mayors page]
Two Books Reviews: Pillars & Portola Valley
Annual Meeting
*Water Tower Dedication
Menlo Park Birthday
State of the Newsletter
*Henry Cowell - Bohemian
Tomas Garrigue Masaryk by Tim Goode
Chinese New Year's Dinner by Jeanne Bone
Annual Meeting and Membership Appreciation by Jeanne Bone
Menlo Park Resident [Dr. Jan F. Triska] Honored by Tim Goode
*Water Tower Dedication
*A Personal Expression of the Great Depression
City of Menlo Park Birthday Party